Thursday, December 3, 2009

week 15 #4

My favorites web site is??????? The reason i like google is because it has everything. you can watch videos and look at pictures. it is also educational oh yes yes quite. you can look up alot of stuff its. So.... ya thats my favorite web site.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

this is denver

What is the favorite thing that you own or your family owns. My favorite thing that my family owns is a helicopter helicopters are awesome. My cousin that owns it has three more. They also have a really nice house. They live in Denver, Colorado and they have three dirt bikes. My cousins are awsome.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

where do I see my self in 15 years. i will be 27 and i see myself as a professional UFC fighter. i would also be a doctor they get payed lots of money. I would of graduated form the university of Nebraska Lincoln. i would have a dog named admiral he would be a saint Bernard.