Monday, November 30, 2009

week 15 #1

If I was the last person on earth I would freak out it would be super weird for them to disappear out of no where. I would drive a mustang and go to California with my pet polar bear his name is bob. I would go to mall of america and get all the play station 3 and i would live in mall of america. The reason i would choose this place is because there is a lot of food.


  1. i love that episode of viva la bam where they stay there.

  2. me and you would go on a awesome adventure

  3. THAT WOULD BE ONE OF THE MOST AWESOME THINGS TO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. well i hate mustangs and u coulnt jack ur gone

  5. this is brand0ns pet p0lar bear b0b is d0ing well because he made a call t0 enzite

  6. if i couldnt live in hawaii i would live in california
